Latest Book: Annoying By: Cerena Montanyu According to Jay, the object of the game is to kill all of your opponent's forwards. But what if your deck was nothing BUT forwards? Okay, okay, you want a deck which will win. But you also want to annoy the heck out of that one guy who keeps beating you no matter WHAT kind of deck you have *hint hint*. So, I have created "ANNOYANCE!!!" It's so annoying that you'll win!! Now, all you need is... 45 Random Forwards (preferably with high HP, just to be annoying) 10 Energy (All of one type, you choose) 5 Green Potions You only have ten energy to attack with. But that's okay, because while your opponent is trying to kill off all of your forwards, you can build up a special one on your bench. The Green Potions are there to be annoying. Y'know, bring back old forwards and discarded energy... There's NO FRIGGIN' WAY you can lose! Unless, of course, you somehow run out of cards, but that's not MY problem... (Note: Use Susan's Green Potion strategy) What's the point of this deck? Like you didn't know already. TO BE ANNOYING!!!
Green Potion Strategy! By Susan B. Koopa Let's begin with a look at the obvious. Green Potion is an Item. According to Jay, you use an Item by doing what it says, then discarding it. By those rules, you can turn any game to your advantage by including just two Green Potions in your deck. "How can I win with just two copies of an important card?" you may ask. Well, actually, I wouldn't advise it. Two is the minimum number of Green Potions necessary to achieve the desired effects. More will allow you to set up this trick much more efficiently, and give you the chance to use it more than once. This card is not to be used in the early stages of the game. No need to use Magic Beans and other card-drawing power for this strategy. Play the game quietly, using your main deck strategy. Use Items. Discard Weapons. Let your opponent KO a few of your Forwards. Not to worry, you have Green Potion up your sleeve. Well, actually, I wouldn't advise that either. Keep the Green Potion in your deck. The point is, sometime in mid-game, you should have a nice hand of cards including at least two Green Potions, and a sizeable discard pile. Now, here's your trump. Following the rules of Item usage, play down a Green Potion in front of you. Choose 5 cards from your discard pile that you'd like to use again, and add them to your hand. Now, discard the Green Potion. "What's your point?" you're probably wondering. "Is there any more obvious way to use this card?" No. There is absolutely nothing interesting, clever, or strategic about the above paragraph. If I ended my article here, I would be rightfully inducted into Zelda's Royal Hall of Complete and Total Losers. But, back to the point. Well look at that, you've retrieved five nice cards into your hand. Wouldn't it be nice if Green Potion let you retrieve more cards? Whoa, wait a minute! You just *happen* to have another Green Potion about! Use it. Now, here is the most sneaky, evil, crazy, and laugh-your-head-off fun part of this article. Choose 4 cards from your discard pile that you'd like to use again, and add them to your hand. Then, retrieve your first Green Potion! Wasn't that fun? Sure was...keep using this trick until your discard pile is empty except for one of your Green Potions. Now you have all your cards back, and even better, they're all in your hand. If you don't have a card advantage at this point, stop reading and go look for a strategy article written by your opponent. Now, overwhelm your opponent by playing as many cards as you can. Why not? After rediscarding all your Items, Weapons, and Energy, you can get them back again, if you've been lucky enough to draw a third Green Potion by now. Pay attention, class! Play Green Potion #1. Play Green Potion #2. Retrieve Green Potion #1. Play Green Potion #1. Retrieve Green Potion #2. Play Green Potion #2.... Now repeat after me: Card control! An important element of the game grovels at your feet. That is, if you can manage to obtain several copies of this Rare card. Once you find a way over, under, around, or through this obstacle, victory is in the Bottle. |