The Legend of Zelda: Trading Card Game
Fake Cards

Check out the creative juices flow!!!


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These 8 cards are from Cerena.

Name: DOOM
Effect: Make the opponent sing the "DOOM SONG" (In case you don't know, it goes
like this: "Doom Doom, Doom, Doom, Doom, Doom, ect." Sing it with random notes
and beats. While your opponent is singing the doom song, his/her brain cells
will quickly rot away until "Doom" is the only thing they can say, making them
VERY easy to beat.
Rarity: Rare

Name: Crossover
Effect: You can play any card from ANY game with this card. Pokemon, Sailor
Moon, Card Captors, ect.
Rarity: Uncommon

Name: Zim
Stage: Evolves from DOOOOOOM!!!
Type: DOOOOOM!!!
HP: 70
Attacks: (D) RAINING DOOM UPON FILTHY, DOOMED HEADS: Kills all forwards.
Automatic winner!

Name: Dib
Stage: Basic
Type: Paranormal Investigator
HP: 50
Attacks: (P P P) Dissect the Alien: Go find an alien plushie. Dissect it. Wave
the plushie in front of your opponent's face, then run outside yelling "I FOUND
(P) Reveal to the World: Automatically makes you win the game.
Rarity: Cerena's so obsessed with Dib, she took every last one of these cards.

Name: GIR
Stage: Basic
Type: Annoying
HP: 12502385359273905
Attacks: (No energy requirements) Call The Piggies: Search your deck for any
number of piggy cards. Wave them in your opponents face, and go off to watch
Invader Zim.
(NER)Chocolate Brainfreezy: Search your refridgerator for one milkshake/brain
freezy. Shuffle the kitchen when you're done.
(NER) Moosey Fate: Force your opponent to dress up like Link or Ganondorf
(Depending on whether they're a girl or a boy) and send them to a realm of pure
Rarity: You breathe them. You eat them. Hell, they are the MEANING of existence.

Name: Sheik
Stage: 1 (Evolves from Princess Zelda)
Type: Wierd
HP: 50
Attacks: (W W W) Crossdressing: Doesn't do a thing besides gross out your
Rarity: Actually, it doesn't exist!!!

Name: Annoying Zelda
Stage: 1 (Evolves from Princess Zelda)
Type: Mary Sue
HP: None
Attacks: Glare: Your opponent drops dead from a glare from this Annoying Zelda
Regular Attack: Actually, this isn't possible. Annoying Zelda will break a nail!
Rarity: They're all burning in heck right now. Trust me.

Name: Dark Link
Type: All-Powerful
Stage: 1 (Evolves from Link)
HP: Hell of a lot more than Link
Attacks: (A A A A) Whatever You Can Do, I Can Do Better: Whenever an opponent
attacks, copy that attack but double the damage.
Rarity: So THAT'S what that was in my sandwhich...

These 4 cards are from Cerena.

Name: Majora
Type: CHAOTICC!!!!
Stage: 2 (Evolves from Majora's Mask)
HP: 110
Attack 1: (CCC) Evil Eye (Base damage 40) Flip a coin. If heads, the opponent cannot retreat their card on their next turn.
Attack 2:(CCCC) Shadow Mind (Base damage 60)
Attack 3: -none-
Attack 4: -none-
Number: *Insert random number here*
Rarity: Promo

Name: Skull Kid
Type: Chaotic
Stage: Basic
HP: 70
Attack 1:(C) Poison darts (Base damage 20)
Attack 2: -none-
Attack 3: -none-
Attack 4: -none-
Number: *Insert random number here*
Rarity: Common

Name: Skull Kid (With Majora's Mask)
Type: Chaotic
Stage: 1 (Evolves from Skull Kid)
HP: 90
Attack 1: (CCCC) Bring Down The Moon: (Base Damage: 80) Flip a coin. If heads, search your deck for any Giant card. Shuffle your deck afterwards.
Attack 2:-none-
Attack 3:-none-
Attack 4:-none-
Number: *Insert random number here*
Rarity: Promo

Name: The Moon
Type: Doomed
Stage: Basic
HP: 200
Attack 1: (DDD) Pyro Explosion (Base damage 40)
Attack 2: -none-
Attack 3: -none-
Attack 4: -none-
Number: *Insert random number here*
Rarity: Promo

These 8 cards are from Susan B. Koopa

Evil, hahaha!
HP: 200
Attack 1: E Dive Underground-Volvagia can't be attacked on your opponent's next turn.
Attack 2: E Turn up the Heat-Search your deck for up to three Energies. Attach them to your Forwards immediately. Attack 3: EEE Avalanche-50.
Attack 4: EEEEE Destroy Lair-100.
Number: 03
Rarity: So rare and special, only Susan can have it.

Name: Scary Baddie Music
Description: Your opponent has to act afraid of your Forwards. He or she must run away, giving you time to look at his or her hand, re-order your deck, steal cards from your discard, rearrange the board, or anything else you would like to do.
Rarity: Really Common

Name: Spiritual Stone
Description: Show your opponent a shiny object. He or she must stare at it for at least five minutes. You may continue play as normal. Every time it is your opponent's turn, give him or her 10 seconds to do something. If they continue staring at the shiny object, you may take another turn.
Rarity: There are 3 in the whole game.

Name: Morpheus
Type: Bacteria
Stage: Basic Forward
HP: 1
Attack 1: (B) Can't Catch Me - Search the room for some poor unsuspecting people. Force them to play Duck Duck Goose. This game cannot continue until your opponent has tagged you out.
Attack 2: (BB) Do Nothing - No effect!
Attack 3: (BBB) Swim Around - No effect!
Attack 4: (BBBB) Cell Division - Ewww...
Rarity: There's a million of them on your face right now.

Name: Epona
Description: Wave this card annoyingly in your opponent's face. He or she must give you a horsey ride before the game may continue.
Rarity: Annoyingly Common

Name: Kokiri Boots
Energy Cost: (AA)
Damage: -none-
Notes: Lets you walk away from this stupid game.
Rarity: It's just a pair of shoes, man.

Name: Kokiri Tunic
Energy Cost: (-none-)
Damage: -none-
Notes: Any player who fails to use this card at the start of a game is immediately banished from society.
Rarity: Please tell me there's at least one in your closet...

Name: Ceramic Pot
Energy Cost: (A)
Damage: 10
Notes: Throw this card against a wall. Then go directly to jail. Do not pass Kokiri Village, do not collect any rupees that happen to appear when you use this card.
Rarity: It keeps coming back!

Characters are property of Nintendo. The rules, cards, etc. are copyright of me.